Its May and with a new month I have a few new books I'd like to read but some are from the past month. I am someone who reads multiple books at the same time so I don't always get to all the books I plan on reading. Here is what I'm hoping to read this month, if you have any suggestions please let me know. I love to read new ones.
It's Always the Husband- by: Michele Campbell
A story about roommates and the things they keep to themselves and the things their husbands might do. Honestly, I picked this one up because of the title, I don't think I even read the synopsis.
She Gets the Girl- by: rachaek Lippincott and Alyson Derrick
After coming out this year, I've wanted to read more diverse books in the LGBTQ community and this one seemed like a good one.
Good Omens- by: Terry Pratchett and Neil Gaiman
Most people know this story by now because of the tv show but if you don't an angel and a devil become friends and have hand in keeping the "end" from happening.
The Shadows- by: Alex North
If I'm honest I may DNF (Did not finish) this one, its an okay story but its just not keeping my attention. Its about something half syfy half crime/mystery/thriller
These are my books for this month, I don't know if Ill be able to get to them all but I'm hoping I will.
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