State to State


      Welcome to Monica tries to get her life together. Aka why I haven't been posting and what I plan on posting. You may have noticed if you care that my posts have been... sporadic to say the least. The past few months have been a bit busy. We were recently told that our landlord plans to sell the home we are currently living in next year. We have until January to move. We've decided to go back to Florida, and even though I'm not looking forward to the humid air and excruciating heat- I'm excited about our possibilities. We are going to be in a position where we can finally set aside money to put a down payment on a home. I have been packing bags and boxes, and our first set of packed things left for our new home this past weekend. 

    With this new move not only will we be able to save for a home but I might have the possibility to start my own business. I've been trying to start a business for the past few years but being a stay-at-home mom with three kids who I homeschool has not made that easy. On top of my book's close-to-last edits and rewrites, finding time to make things for my business has been at the bottom of my list. I want to be more consistent with my posting there are several ideas I have planned as well as creating more for my business and make-up TikTok.  Vegan recipes I want to share have been piling up and things I am doing with my kids that I think other parents in our similar situation might like tips for have also been on my mind. We are in a time where people think that having a stay-at-home parent means you're well off. They're surprised when they find out that most of us stay home because we can't afford to work. That sounds silly, doesn't it? However, for instance, I have three children. With most daycares, you have to pay weekly. For us, the estimate at most places would be $500 a week. That is a whole paycheck, so what is the point of working? It isn't going to benefit us financially, if anything it would put more of a strain on our finances. 

     We decided for our family, it would be financially better if I stay home with the kids, at least where we are now. When we move that may change. My husband makes all the money and we live within our means. It isn't always easy and sometimes we get behind but we don't feel like we are drowning. With me staying home my children are getting to spend time with their parents and being homeschooled they don't have to sit unnecessarily for eight hours a day in a classroom. They get to play as much as they like and I take care of the house and then when their dad gets home, they get to play with him and he helps with whatever I need help with. Most food I make from scratch and it's honestly healthier that way anyway. I'm not saying we don't have fast food every once in a while but my children are getting home-cooked meals every day that have ingredients we know and trust in them. I am a vegetarian/vegan and so it has given me the opportunity to find new foods that my kids also enjoy and has helped me get back into shape as I don't have more than an hour to work out each day. 

      This new move will give me the opportunity to continue to home-school, make homemade food for all my kid's meals, and work on my business and book. Not to mention my husband and I will have more chances to go on dates and have time without the children. All of that being said, I will try to be more consistent with my posts if you can bare with me and all the craziness we have going on. 

Much love



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