Project pan 2024

 In the age of overconsumption, technology growth and a recession there’s a noticeable trend of people trying to cut back on their contribution to said consumerism. While I don’t have a huge collection, I do have a bit more make up than others in my life and I find myself wanting to cut down my spending and be more conscious of what I’m buying and using. Project pan is a trend in the beauty community where you choose products to use up before buying more or just to use up completely to help be more mindful of your life. I’ve decided to participate in this trend because I do think it is beneficial to the planet, my spending and my creativity. For this year I’ve decided to pan my oldest palette from Colourpop. Iu

Colourpop In A Trance

I researched this palette before buying it and watched videos, I thought it was beautiful. I still do think it’s beautiful and I always love the looks I create with it but because I’ve collected new formulas and other brands it sits neglected often times. I’d rather use it up instead of having to declutter it because it’s gone bad. One big thing that has taken me away from using it is the glitter pan in it. All glitters, no matter how small or refined are microplastics. It’s bad for the environment and honestly your face and eyes. We have microplastics in our foods and pretty much everything in our homes and so I’ve been trying to cut down on the amount of micro and all plastic I have/consume. This is what the palette looks like as of April 2024, and I plan on taking update pictures monthly of it. I won’t strictly use just this palette but I will try to use it every time I do my make up in some capacity. 

At the end of the month I’ll update on all the beauty and skincare items I also used up. What do you think of overconsumption, is it a problem or does it not make a difference? Do you have any make up you need to use up that just sits on your shelf now? 

Much love 



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